


#!/usr/bin/expect --

proc Usage_Exit {self} {
        puts ""
        puts "Usage: $self ip user passwd port sourcefile destdir direction bwlimit timeout"
        puts ""
        puts "       sourcefile: a file or directory to be transferred"
        puts "                   需要拷贝目录时目录名后不要带 /, 否则会拷贝该目录下的所有文件"
        puts "       destdir:    the location that the sourcefile to be put into"
        puts "       direction:  pull or push"
        puts "                   pull: remote -> local"
        puts "                   push: local -> remote"
        puts "       bwlimit:    bandwidth limit, kbit/s, 0 means no limit"
        puts "       timeout:    timeout of expect, s, -1 means no timeout"
        puts ""
        exit 1

if { [llength $argv] < 9 } {
        Usage_Exit $argv0

set ip [lindex $argv 0]
set user [lindex $argv 1]
set passwd [lindex $argv 2]
set port [lindex $argv 3]
set sourcefile [lindex $argv 4]
set destdir [lindex $argv 5]
set direction [lindex $argv 6]
set bwlimit [lindex $argv 7]
set timeoutflag [lindex $argv 8]

set yesnoflag 0
set timeout $timeoutflag

for {} {1} {} {
# for is only used to retry when "Interrupted system call" occured

if { $direction == "pull" } {

        if { $bwlimit > 0 } {
                spawn rsync -crazP --bwlimit=$bwlimit -e "/usr/bin/ssh -q -l$user -p$port" $ip:$sourcefile $destdir
        } elseif { $bwlimit == 0 } {
                spawn rsync -crazP -e "/usr/bin/ssh -q -l$user -p$port" $ip:$sourcefile $destdir
        } else {
                Usage_Exit $argv0

} elseif { $direction == "push" } {

        if { $bwlimit > 0 } {
                spawn rsync -crazP --bwlimit=$bwlimit -e "/usr/bin/ssh -q -l$user -p$port" $sourcefile $ip:$destdir
        } elseif { $bwlimit == 0 } {
                spawn rsync -crazP -e "/usr/bin/ssh -q -l$user -p$port" $sourcefile $ip:$destdir
        } else {
                Usage_Exit $argv0

} else {
        Usage_Exit $argv0

expect  {

        "assword:" {
                send "$passwdr"

        "yes/no)?" {
                set yesnoflag 1
                send "yesr"

        "FATAL" {
                puts "nCONNECTERROR: $ip occur FATAL ERROR!!!n"
                exit 1

        timeout {
                puts "nCONNECTERROR: $ip Logon timeout!!!n"
                exit 1

        "No route to host" {
                puts "nCONNECTERROR: $ip No route to host!!!n"
                exit 1

        "Connection Refused" {
                puts "nCONNECTERROR: $ip Connection Refused!!!n"
                exit 1

        "Connection refused" {
                puts "nCONNECTERROR: $ip Connection Refused!!!n"
                exit 1

        "Host key verification failed" {
                puts "nCONNECTERROR: $ip Host key verification failed!!!n"
                exit 1

        "Illegal host key" {
                puts "nCONNECTERROR: $ip Illegal host key!!!n"
                exit 1

        "Connection Timed Out" {
                puts "nCONNECTERROR: $ip Logon timeout!!!n"
                exit 1

        "Interrupted system call" {
                puts "n$ip Interrupted system call!!!n"


if { $yesnoflag == 1 } {
        expect {
                "assword:" {
                        send "$passwdr"

                "yes/no)?" {
                        set yesnoflag 2
                        send "yesr"

if { $yesnoflag == 2 } {
        expect {
                "assword:" {
                        send "$passwdr"

expect {
        "assword:" {
                send "$passwdr"
                puts "nPASSWORDERROR: $ip Password error!!!n"
                exit 1

        eof {
                puts "OK_SCP: $ipn"
                exit 0;



Usage: ./scp.exp ip user passwd port sourcefile destdir direction bwlimit timeout

       sourcefile: a file or directory to be transferred
                   需要拷贝目录时目录名后不要带 /, 否则会拷贝该目录下的所有文件
       destdir:    the location that the sourcefile to be put into
       direction:  pull or push
                   pull: remote -> local
                   push: local -> remote
       bwlimit:    bandwidth limit, kbit/s, 0 means no limit
       timeout:    timeout of expect, s, -1 means no timeout