php-fpm参数调优方案(原文PHP-FPM on highload tips)

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下面是摘自Google讨论话题的翻译内容:《 PHP-FPM on highload tips

When you running a highload website with PHP-FPM via FastCGI, the following tips may be useful to you


1. Compile PHP’s modules as less as possible, the simple the best (fast);


2. Increas PHP FastCGI child number to 100 and even more. Sometime, 200 is OK! ( On 4GB memory server);

把你的PHP FastCGI子进程数调到100或以上,在4G内存的服务器上200就可以(建议压力测试来得出自己服务器合理的值) ….[阅读全文]